Website Strategy
Do you want an actionable digital strategy to fit your resources?
I bring stakeholders together to envision new and effective website projects. Using user research, engagement models, and workshops, I shape features, functionality, and create action plans to drive real change.
I partner with organizations to craft compelling website strategies that turn digital visions into reality. My proven process helps answer four key questions:
Research and Discovery: What are your and your audiences' goals?
Engagement Model: How can we balance visitor needs and organizational objectives?
Vision Workshops: What are the website's core features, structure, and content?
Action Plan: What roadmap will lead you to success?
Together, we develop a website plan that meets your immediate needs while serving your organization well into the future.
Strategy Process
My proven approach provides a template to start from as we design the unique process for your project.
1.Research and Discovery
Whether it's a small or large project, we need to first establish a solid context for the website. This usually involves some combination of:
Reviewing existing materials to understand the context and history.
Analyzing site analytics to assess what works and what doesn't.
Interviewing internal stakeholders to define their goals and priorities.
Conducting audience research through interviews, surveys, or other techniques.
Studying peer websites to identify strengths, weaknesses, and sources of inspiration.
I consolidate all the research findings into a set of recommendations and insights. I may also create a set of user archetypes to reference for the rest of the project.
2. Engagement Model
Before diving into specifics, it’s often useful to establish how we will balance visitor needs and organizational objectives. For instance:
Your organization might want webinar sign-ups, report downloads, and donations
Your visitors might seek quick answers or more information on an issue
It’s important to acknowledge this disparity and define a plan to bridge the gap. This part of the project often involves the creation of a diagram — for instance, an engagement pyramid or a representation of the customer journey through the site.
3. Vision Workshops
Building on the gathered research and insights, I facilitate online Site Vision Workshops to define the ideal features, structure, and content to support the engagement model.
The number of workshops required depends on the complexity of the site, from as few as two to as many as four or six.
Each website starts with something for the team to react to, such as high-level wireframes or other diagrams.
We explore the possibilities together. These workshops serve as a forum to think through new ideas, industry trends, and best practices.
Together, we shape a vision that outlines the key features, website structure, and their interaction with other key considerations like compelling storytelling, search engine optimization, accessibility, mobile optimization, and integration with other systems.
The outcome typically includes a high-level sitemap, conceptual diagrams, goals for each core page, and a slide deck highlighting key principles and considerations.
4. Action Plan
I don’t consider a project complete until you have all the information you need to implement the website successfully. Actions plans vary considerably but may include:
Assisting in finding an implementation firm. I can help you create a RFI and a process to find the right firm.
Defining a Phase 1 scope. My technical background allows me to easily collaborate with technical experts to prioritize features for a fixed budget and schedule.
Establishing an iterative rollout strategy. I design plans to gradually introduce new features or content.
Providing ongoing coaching and guidance. Regular calls support your project through launch and beyond. Read more about my Coach & Guide services.
My fees are calculated on a sliding scale based on organization size. Website strategy projects range from one to two thousand dollars for small workshop-based projects to around $7500 for a complex strategy project that includes audience interviews.
I’m happy to provide a flat fee quote for your specific project.
If you’d like more limited advice — perhaps as you define your strategy internally — see my Coach and Guide services.
A half hour consultation is always free.